I can help you communicate more confidently and be less affected by your stammer
I can help you communicate more confidently and be less affected by
your stammer
You are probably reading this as stammering is featuring in your life more than you would like it to. Adults who stammer come to me with wide-ranging experiences. For example, some have had therapy when they were younger and others have not. Some have a clear idea of what they would like help with and others not. Whatever you currently feel about your stammer and however it is impacting you in your daily life, I will work with you to find ways to manage it more helpfully.
I always maintain that you are the expert of your stammer whilst I bring with my knowledge of stammering theory, assessment and therapeutic interventions. In light of this, I will ask for your perspective from the first time that we meet.
I will explore the impact of your stammer on all aspects of your life as this helps us to identify the priorities for therapy.
We work together to set therapy goals that are relevant and functional to you.
Typically, therapy involves a combination of getting to know your stammer more, working on feeling less sensitive about your stammer, and speech management techniques. I often draw upon psychological-based approaches such as cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness to support the therapy process. I bring with my experience of providing group therapy to adults at The City Literary Institute where I run courses for those starting their therapy journey and others who are looking to refresh and revise their stammering therapy skills.